How can I help?

Thank you all who contributed! We've now ended this fundraiser and sent the donations to the flood victims of São Lourenço do Sul.

A small contribution can go a long way:

  • $15 buys a hygiene and cleaning supplies kit. This includes 4 soap bars, 4 toothbrushes, 1 toothpaste, 2 bottles of shampoo, 2 boxes of laundry detergent, 2 brooms, 2 pairs of latex gloves, 2 liters antibacterial cleaner, and 1 liter bleach.
  • $50 buys either drinking water for 12 families for 2 to 3 days (32 gallons or 120 liters), or basic school supplies for 5 children to go back to school.
  • $100 buys either a twin size mattress or a Basket of Basics: a set of products that an average family of four persons (two adults and two children) usually needs for an entire month.
  • $200 buys a full size mattress.

You may donate any amount you feel called to give. We will cover all administrative and international transaction fees as part of our pledge to help the city. Therefore, your donation will be used entirely to help flood victims.

Thank you for your help!

Funds will be transferred to the Evangelical Lutheran Church of South Saint Lawrence (“Paróquia Evangélica de São Lourenço do Sul”). The church is engaged in distributing donations and ensuring that they get to the people who need them the most.

If you prefer to contribute directly to the bank account of the church, you may make a SWIFT transfer:
Account number: 001032710000010634

Even if you're unable to help right now, please pass this along to as many people as possible.